Who We Are...

Immanuel Lutheran Church is a community of believers in Christ gathered around God’s Word and Sacraments to receive His grace, to be built up in our faith, and for witnessing His grace to the world around us.

 The mission of Immanuel Lutheran church is...

...to promote the spiritual growth and total involvement of all members of our congregation;

...to spread the Gospel in the community by creating an identity and meeting Community needs;

...and to recognize the needs of the world so the Gospel can reach everyone.

 We believe that...

...every word of the Holy Bible is God’s inspired and inerrant Word.

...God, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, is the only true God.

...before God all people are sinners and guilty of breaking God’s commands.

...Jesus Christ, the Son of God and the Son of the virgin Mary, lived, died and rose again from the dead for the forgiveness of everyone’s sins.

...people are justified (saved), not by their works, but only by God’s grace through faith in Jesus Christ.

...the Holy Spirit works saving faith in Christ and brings forgiveness through God’s Word and His Sacraments, Holy Baptism and Holy Communion.

...Jesus Christ will return on the Last Day to raise all the dead to life and gather all those who believe in Him to Himself in heaven.

            Immanuel is affiliated with the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod (LCMS) through Iowa District East (IDE).  The synod is joined by common faith and practice, and works together in world-wide missions, the training of church workers and the mutual building up of the Christian faith.  Check their links for more information.

        Want more information?  The “What About…” series by the late Dr. A. L. Barry is a series of 29 pamphlets which cover a range of topics from What About Christian Families to Baptism to Islam and everything in between.  They are helpful summaries of many of the doctrines of the Christian faith.  Click here to go to many of the What About pamphlets.


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